HDPE PipeHawaii.Com
HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Pipe Specialists Hawaii
ITC has installed HDPE pipe in sizes from 1” to 48” for applications as diverse
as supplying seawater for the Natural Energy Laboratory Hawaii Authority (NELHA)
facilities on the Big Island to potable and non-potable transmission pipelines
on every major Hawaiian island. These systems include private drinking water and
non-potable irrigation systems, recycled water and wastewater force mains,
drainage systems, etc.
HDPE pipe has many unique characteristics making it the material of choice for
many applications. Typically joined by a heat fusion process, the pipe is fused
together in a seamless, leak proof joint that is stronger than the pipe itself.
Fused HDPE joints present several benefits beyond the obvious lack of leakage
attributed to conventional standard pipe joints.